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Arjun Krishnan

Lewis-Sigler Institute for Integrative Genomics

Princeton University


270B Carl Icahn Labs


NJ 08544, USA



2006 - 2010

Ph. D. Genetics, Bioinformatics & Computational Biology

Virginia Tech

Blacksburg, VA, USA


2002 - 2006

B. Tech. Industrial Biotechnology

Anna University

Chennai, India

Research Interests


Multicellular biology

Role of tissue/cell-type, sex and age on gene function, genetic perturbation and environmental/drug response.


Disease genetics & Precision medicine

Genetic heterogeneity of complex diseases; Genetic stratification; Mechanistically linking individual genomes to clinical phenotypes.


Regulatory genomics

Stress and developmental gene-expression; Inferring transcriptional/epigenetic regulation; Driving cell-type transformations.


Comparative genomics

Identifying animal models for human diseases; Relationship between sequence and functional evolution.


Methods for integrative genomics

Statistical and machine-learning methods for data integration, building gene network models, cross-species comparison, prioritization of experiments.



Conferences, Meetings


2010 Networks Biology Workshop

Mathematical Biosciences Institute, Ohio State University


2011 CSHL: Systems Biology, Networks Meeting

Cold-Spring Harbor Laboratories


2014 CIFAR: Genetic Networks Meeting

Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard Medical School


2014 CIFAR: Genetic Networks Meeting

University of Washington.


2014 ICSB-RECOMB Systems Genomics Conference

San Diego


2015 Sanofi Big Data Symposium

Genzyme, Boston


2015 Meeting on Leveraging Big Data and Predictive Knowledge to Fight Disease

New York Academy of Sciences


2015 CSHL: Genome Informatics

Cold-Spring Harbor Laboratories

[Best Poster Award; out of 167 posters]


2016 New York Area Genomics Meeting

Columbia University



Selected Talks


2013  Integrated Science Shorts

Princeton University


2014  Postdoctoral Seminar Series

Princeton University


2014  Systems Pharmacology and Translational Therapeutics Seminar

Smilow Center for Translational Research, University of Pennsylvania


2014  University of Hyderabad

Hyderabad, India


2014  Centre for Cell and Molecular Biology

Hyderabad, India


2014  National Center for Biological Sciences

Bangalore, India


2014  Indian Institute of Technology - Madras

Chennai, India

2014  Institute for Mathematical Sciences

Chennai, India

2014  ICSB-RECOMB Regulatory and Systems Genomics

San Diego


2015  Princeton Area Yeast Meeting

Princeton University


2015  Sanofi Big Data Symposium

Genzyme, Boston


2015  Leveraging Big Data and Predictive Knowledge to Fight Disease

New York Academy of Sciences


2015 Complex Systems Digital Campus 2015 World e-Conference.


2015 ICSB-RECOMB Regulatory and Systems Genomics Philadelphia

Research Experience


2013 - Present

Associate Research Scholar

Lewis-Sigler Institute for Integrative Genomics

Princeton University

Princeton, NJ, USA


2011 - 2013

Postdoctoral Research Associate

Lewis-Sigler Institute for Integrative Genomics

Princeton University

Princeton, NJ, USA


2010 - 2011

Postdoctoral Research Associate

Virginia Bioinformatics Institute

Virginia Tech

Blacksburg, VA, USA


2006 - 2010

Doctoral Student

Virginia Bioinformatics Institute

Virginia Tech

Blacksburg, VA, USA


2005 - 2006

Student Researcher

Bioinformatics Centre

Indian Institute of Science

Bangalore, India




Selected Publications
[* Joint Primary Author]


  1. Genome-wide characterization of genetic and functional dysregulation in autism spectrum disorder.
    Krishnan A*, Zhang R*, Yao V, Theesfeld CL, Wong AK, Tadych A, Volfovsky N, Packer A, Lash A, Troyanskaya OG.
    Nature Neuroscience (2016)
  2. Understanding multi-cellular function and disease with human tissue-specific gene interaction networks.
    Greene C*, Krishnan A*, Wong AK*, Ricciotti E, Zelaya R, Himmelstein D, Chasman D, Fitzgerald G, Dolinski K, Grosser T, Troyanskaya OG.
    Nature Genetics (2015) 47:569-576.

  3. Tissue-aware data integration approach for the inference of pathway interactions in metazoan organisms.
    Park C, Krishnan A, Zhu Q, Wong AK, Lee Y, Troyanskaya OG.
    Bioinformatics (2015) 31:1093-1101.
  4. Coordinate regulation of photosynthetic carbon metabolism for yield and environmental stress response in rice.
    Ambavaram MM, Basu S, Krishnan A, Venkategowda R, Batlang U, Rahman L, Baisakh N, Pereira A.
    Nature Communications (2014) 5:5302.
  5. Ontology-aware classification of tissue and cell-type signals in gene expression profiles across platforms and technologies.
    Lee Y, Krishnan A, Zhu Q, Troyanskaya OG.
    Bioinformatics (2013) 29:3036-3044.
  6. Coordinated activation of cellulose and repression of lignin biosynthesis pathways in rice.
    Ambavaram MM*, Krishnan A*, Trijatmiko KR, Pereira A.
    Plant Physiology (2011) 155:916-931.
  7. Molecular and physiological analysis of drought stress in Arabidopsis reveals early responses leading to acclimation in plant growth.
    Harb A, Krishnan A, Pereira A.
    Plant Physiology (2010) 154:1254-1271.


Professional Experience


Grant writing

Assisted in the development of over eight research project proposals for NSF, USDA, NIH.

NSF planning grant proposal (as PI).

Peer review

Bioinformatics; PLoS Computational Biology; BMC Bioinformatics; PLoS ONE; G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics; Journal of Theoretical Biology; Pacific Symposium of Biocomputing; ACM-BCB; Circulation: Cardiovascular Genetics; Plant Physiology; Plant Molecular Biology; Molecular Breeding; F1000 Biology.



Spring 2014:
Co-taught “COS557/MOL557: Analysis & Visualization of Large Scale Genomic Data Sets”

Spring 2015:
Co-taught “ISC 233/234: An Integrated, Quantitative Intro. to the Natural Sciences II”



Undergraduate and Graduate Research Students.



Conducted hands-on education booths at Kid’s Tech University 2009, 2010, and USA Science & Engineering Festival 2010; Part of panel of judges for science and mathematics fairs at local schools.

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